Hints to creativity in teaching


  • Reitha Ben Rochd Laboratoire Cultures, usages numériques, éducation et langage (CUNEL) Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines d’Oujda
  • Abdeljabbar El Mediouni Laboratoire Cultures, usages numériques, éducation et langage (CUNEL) Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines d’Oujda



Mots-clés :

Creativity, imagination, education, learners


This communication aims at exploring some dimensions of creativity in teaching. Its first part covers the historical evolution of the concepts of “creativity” and ‘imagination”, then it deals with the implications of creativity in the American educational system, following some experiments that have focused on teachers’ and educators’ perceptions. Its second part explores, through an online debate and a personal experiment, the means by which a creative teaching environment is stimulated and the obstacles creativity has to overcome so as to be part of the teaching practices.




Comment citer

Ben Rochd, R., & El Mediouni, A. (2020). Hints to creativity in teaching. Innovation, Technologies, Education Et Communication, (1). https://doi.org/10.60590/PRSM.itec-iss1.39